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Olivia UZAN bribed the police to give KRISTEN DYER-CAMPBELL'S HUSBAND a phone they tapped 4 Kristen

Background and Justification:

Kristen was in danger of the Australian Federal Police, well before her arrival to Paris; simply because they wanted silence and Kristen was the only credible witness left that could varify by way of eye-witness, that the marriage to Jasper Singh NEVER HAPPENED and that I never agreed to marry him. The Austrlian Federal Police bribed Jasper Singh with Australian Citizenship/Permancy, into the country after helping Jasper to steal my identification to fraud a marrige in my name, behind my back.

They were already setting Kristen up for failure for SILENCE!


Her husband gave Kristen DYER-CAMBELL a mobile phone that was tapped by the Australian Federal Police, that he himself swapped with a new one from the box he purchased with the money the police organized; he then gave it to Kristen to assist police to set her up for a calculated abduction upon her arrival to Paris, which was planned well before the orders were initially by the Judge on 13th/14th of January, 2022 in Paris. After the court orders were made, both the Australian Federal Police and Olivia UZAN, had a new motif, but the game was the same, murder!

The Australian Federal Police then called Kristen DYER-CAMPBELL on behalf of Olivia UZAN, (which they had no business doing) to come to Paris to settle a court dispute regarding the above mentioned orders for the Agius-Gelicrisio Estate - that awarded me 100% ownership but could not be served on me prolonging homelessness; because the Mental Health Files (full of fabricated evidence (… and a fraudulant marriage to Jasper Singh, a man I never agreed to marry that the police used to bear false witness to permanently remove both my children, Kristen and Blake, from my care…) that the Australian Federal Police illegaly cross-referenced on a closed case from Australian to Malta upon my arrival in 2012, on behalf of the CRAIG WOOD FAMILY who paid out high end bribes to them…) were in the middle; and Kristen, with her law degree successfully threw them out of court proving them wrong and corrupt using no tactics but the truth.

Upon winning the court dispute and throwning out the Mental Health Files that effectively prevented me from receiving the said order made by the Judge for the mentioned estate, Kristen was captured like an animal, abducted off the streets of Paris and trapped into the illegal sex-trafficking trade and her husband protected by police on behalf of her husband’s family because Kristen’s father in-law is with them. The police did not kill Kristen’s husband, they protected him while he tried to help them kill her, and the police were acting on behalf of Olivia Uzan for the illegal aquisition of the (AGIUS-GELICRISIO ESTATE) that they were going to spilt and share ownership of against the Judge’s Orders made on 13th /14th January 2022.

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